In Only 5-10 Hours Per Week, you can use our methods to find clients and referrals who'll eagerly open what's called "Entry Accounts" for just $5. Here's where your jaw will drop... Do that and earn $300-$1500 in bonuses every week! I know, you're probably asking, "How do they pay me that much if these accounts only cost 5 bucks!?"...
Read on to see why this ISN'T too good to be true. In fact, it's happening already for many... no - MOST new agents who jump in with both feet!
Thank you for expressing interest in the Account Referral Agent position.
First, have you heard the name Acorns?
Acorns has been around for about 12 years and has many endorsements from investors and celebrities. Some names include Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Jennifer Lopez, Ashton Kutcher, Ryan Reynolds and more.
If you’re not keen on celebrities (I’m not)… it’s more important to know that they have a client base of over 10MIL and hold an impressive pool of $8 BILLION in assets.
What I am saying is that they’re reputable and stable.
You will simply be sending referrals their way using what’s called an affiliate link (a web link that’s created to give you credit for referrals)
It’s not what you may be thinking.
Typically, with referral-based i.ncome… not a ton is to be made, BUT…
As I said in the ad you saw… this is the fastest, simplest, and highest-paying REAL business of its kind I’ve seen in a while. Let me explain by giving you some numbers.
As a referral agent, you will be given the highest shot at making super-generous weekly bonuses. Newbie agents are making $3k weekly on average all over the country.
And not just onesies and twosies here and there… a ton are doing this!
And they do it on a VERY part-time basis – 5 HRS per week is usually enough.
Think about it like this. Imagine shooting a basketball… you’re standing almost right next to the hoop… BUT the hoop is triple the normal size! How much easier is it to make the basket?
This is like that.
Of course, you'll have to have a decent work ethic. Yeah, the sales are easy to make, but you will also have to be consistent. And btw, we don't work with everyone.
That's why we are limiting spots and interviewing candidates.
That said, here are some examples of what Acorns has paid in the past...
*Send us 5 new customers this week and get $1200
*Send 3 and get $625
*Send 4 and get paid $1100
So, each week the offering changes, but also each week it’s MORE THAN worth your while. They make sure of that!
If all of this makes sense so far, here are the steps I will walk you through:
Step 1: Open and Acorns Account
You'll do this by using MY LINK Here. (If you don’t use my link, I won’t be able to provide support, training, or marketing assets). Simple to do on your mobile phone. Again, I can help you with this.
Step 2: Transfer $5 into the account.
This part is actually part of the setup process in the first step above and is done through Acorns. This is what qualifies you as a referral agent.
Step 3: Share your link with others.
You can pick from a few recommended methods – all are simple and fast. We provide live support along the way... PLUS, we will give you all the written training plus many marketing assets that have been PROVEN to close sales. Just remember to use the link above. Oh, and No face-to-face is required..
Main Training Guide For Marketing, Ad Copy(text), scripts, and more ( A $397 Value )
Bonus #1: Secret List Of Platforms To Post Your Opp ( A $97 Value )
Bonus #2: The OVERVIEW PDF Report ( A $297 Value )
Bonus #3: Additional Response Scripts And Swipes( A $97 Value )
Bonus #4: Amped Leads Training ( A $77 Value )
Total Estimated Retail Value $965
Your Investment Today… $0. (Aside from your $5 deposit to Acorns)
I just want to take a second to go over some of the common questions I get about Auto Ugly from consultants interested in investing.
Question 1 - What's the competition like?
It's irrelevant. There is competition with other agents. But for the most part, agents in many markets are not approaching the business in this way, with our marketing edge and material.
And even if they were, this is still in its infancy. By the time everyone knows about it, you would have already built a solid referral business that runs on its own.
Question 2 - Who is Acorns?
Acorns is a bank. They specialize in investment banking and their main offer is automated savings. When you sign up with your $5 investment, you will also have the option to select an option to round up to the next whole dollar amount your purchases and have the difference placed into your account - it's optional though.
Question 3 - Will I need a huge budget?
No. You may run the entire business with no money out of your pocket. If you choose to use one of our main methods, you may elect to invest $20-$35 per week. And with an average $3K/mo return... that's a whopping ROI, wouldn't you agree?!
Question 4 - Why will customers take a chance on me?
Because they NEED you. Every day, Americans wake up wanting a way to grow their funds. You'll provide them with a start to that by selling $5 entry accounts. And I bet it'll be the easiest thing you've ever sold. I know this because we have folks who have never sold a product or service in their lives raking in the big bonuses every week.
Question 5 - How long will this be around?
Acorns has been in business for over 12 years. This referral oportunity is fairly new but has been in place for a significant amount of time. Even though I feel it will be here for a long time, there are no guarantees it will. That being the case, it's prudent to get in while the competition is still miniscul, isn't it.
Question 6 - And if I'm a new agent with no authority?
That will work out to your advantage. These customers have been dealing with the same sleezy opportunities and financial advisors for years or even decades. A new face with a unique opportunity will be like a breath of fresh air for them. When they see your offering... they'll completely understand it and get it... like you.
Question 7 - Are there any other fees with Acorns?
Outside your $5 deposit, yes and no. You won't have to deposit any additional funds if you don't want to. Other than that, Acorns does have a $3 monthly subscription.
Question 8 - Can I do this all from my computer?
This entire business is totally location-independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. No cold calling is necessary. That's what you want.
Now it's time to pull the trigger…
Listen, if you want different results... if you want your career to start a path forward... if you want more control WITHOUT having to sell your life to a traditional employer... you have to take a different route.
That 'route' is here and now.
Contact me right away to see if we've selected our Agents and get ready for what could very well take your business and life in a brand new and thrilling direction!
*We reserve the right to choose who we work with.
"As always, I are here to support you along the way! Congratulations... I'll see you on the training :)"
Joe Consultant
Marketing Consultant
Disclaimer: There is no assurance or guarantee that past successes or results, whether financial or otherwise, can be replicated by you. Previous achievements should not be considered indicative of future outcomes or gains resulting from the information, content, or strategies provided. Although this opportunity has been around for a significant amount of time, there is no guarantee it will stay around. By investing in this program, you consent and understand results vary, you could make great money or you could make nothing.